duran2.net : most wanted miscellaneous pay attention to catalogue number and country of origin | back  
Duran Duran - IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE? 12": Tritec Music (UK 1980) [A & B side record labels for unreleased single]
Nick Rhodes - INTERFERENCE HB Book: ... (UK 198?) [hardback edition only]
Nick Rhodes - INTERFERENCE Pin: ... (UK 198?) [1" round pin]
Duran Duran - DECADE Song Book: ... (UK 1989)
John Taylor - IN THE PLEASURE GROOVE: LOVE, DEATH AND DURAN DURAN HB: Sphere • ISBN-10: 0751549053 / ISBN-13: 978-0751549058 (US October 16, 2012) [paperback]

we buy and trade

duran2.net | Private Collection always looking for any Duran Duran and related items. We would be pleased to trade or buy anything in good to mint condition. E-mail us with your list and wanted if you're interested. You can be sure, your Duran Duran stuff will find the right place. Our want list is incomplete and almost anything that we don't have is an interest of us.

most wanted items